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Create a legacy of clean air and healthy lungs

Welcome to the American Lung Association’s
Legacy planned giving online newsletter.

Here, you can find stories about how your support impacts lives across the country by improving lung health and preventing lung disease. We hope you enjoy these stories and will share your feedback with us.

Articles in this Issue

Your legacy could be a world free of lung disease. I’m here to help.

Your gift will make a lasting impact by helping save lives for years to come.

Cheryl J. Smoot
Assistant Vice President,
Individual and Planned Giving
Phone: 312-801-7642

We are here to answer any questions and to discuss these options to achieve your personal and philanthropic goals. Please email us with any questions you may have.

Share Your Thoughts

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Many people like to include gifts to charity in their will to support causes that are important in their lives. Would you consider making such a gift to the American Lung Association to benefit future generations of patients living with lung disease throughout the world?
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