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Receive Reliable Income and Tax Savings with a Gift to Save Lives

Learn more about how a Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) can benefit you.

You can secure your financial future while helping to defeat lung cancer, reduce the impact of lung disease, and provide healthier air when you create a Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) with the American Lung Association. You will receive set payments for life at an attractive fixed rate.

How a Charitable Gift Annuity Works

  • You donate cash or appreciated securities worth $20,000 or more to American Lung Association. In return, you and/or another beneficiary will receive fixed payments for life.
  • Your payment rate is based on your age (payments start at age 55 or later) and will never change.
  • A portion of your payments will be tax-free.
  • The older you are — or the longer you defer starting your payment — the higher your payments will be.

Benefits of a Charitable Gift Annuity

Payment rates can now go as high as 10.1 percent, depending on your age (you must be 55 or older). If you don’t need the income immediately, you can schedule payments to begin at least one year after your donation. The longer the deferral period, the higher your payment rate.
Why a charitable gift annuity is a good idea:
  • Guaranteed fixed lifetime income at new higher rates with no stock market risk
  • Current income tax charitable deduction
  • Possible tax-fee income
  • Potential estate tax savings
  • Ability to direct your gift to a specific purpose at the Lung Association
Sample rates for a one-life immediate charitable gift annuity
Age Lifetime Annuity Rate $ of Payment Tax Free
65 5.7% 77.7%
70 6.3% 76%
75 7.0% 71.7%
80 8.1% 67.4%
85 9.1% 62.4%
90 10.1% 57.1%

Did you know?

With the passing of the SECURE Act 2.0, donors are now able to take a one-time Qualified Charitable Distribution from their IRA to fund a charitable gift annuity. Our team would be happy to speak with you about the many creative ways you can benefit from this type of gift.

“What I want people to know about purchasing a Charitable Gift Annuity, is that you will never regret it. In the end, to know that somebody with lung disease will live, will love, will be loved — for another day, another week, another month and beyond — it doesn’t get better than that.”

— Jon Rosen, Legacy Society Member and CGA donor

Request Information

I would like to learn more about creating a charitable gift annuity with the American Lung Association.