“I give to the American Lung Association, a nonprofit corporation currently located at 55 W. Wacker Drive, Suite 1150, Chicago, IL 60601, or its successor thereto, ______________ [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its unrestricted use and purpose.”
To designate the gift in your will for a particular purpose, you may add, “to be used to benefit the American Lung Association’s _____________.” (research, improving lung health, preventing lung disease through education, for example). In the event that the program is no longer operating, or the American Lung Association is otherwise unable to meet this restriction, the American Lung Association may use the gift where it is needed most at the time it is received. It is best to discuss your plans with our gift planning staff before completing your bequest language to confirm your wishes can be met by the American Lung Association.
Useful Legal Information
Address: 55 W. Wacker Drive, Suite 1150, Chicago, IL 60601
Federal Tax ID number: 13-1632524
Please note: The policies of the American Lung Association do not allow the American Lung Association or its representatives to serve as personal representative, executor, trustee or witness for a will or trust.
Family First
Of course, you love your family. At the American Lung Association, we understand that your family comes first. But, we hope you’ll remember, there are ways you can support your family and also find meaning in your life using giving methods that could cost you nothing now and might even reduce your taxes.

Your Giving Toolkit

Gifts from Donor-Advised Funds

Sample Language for Your Will or Trust

Sample Beneficiary Designation

Sample Amendment Will

For Trustees and Advisors

Gift Calculator
We're here to help.

Cheryl J. Smoot
Assistant Vice President
Individual and Planned Giving
American Lung Association

Alan Andrade, CSPG
Director, Planned Giving
American Lung Association
Serving donors in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado,
Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada,
New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon,
South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming